digital cameras have come, broken and gone, but my old Pentax MEF keeps soldiering on
most of these photos have been take with my old pentax in various spots around the world
I have long thought that jeans worn under a skirt or dress is easily the worst fashion advance since people trapped gold fish in platform shoes. Obviously some "Project Runway" fashionista hopeful took the sexiest part of womens' jeans (namely the belt-loops and upper 1/8th of back pockets) and crossed it the height of Urban Outfitters outter wear.
Just for shits and giggles I have been making google maps of the cities I'll be visiting this time around. The spot that I seem to have the least information about is Ha Noi. There aren't any city guides for Ha Noi, and the only guidebook is Lonely Planet Vietnam, but at least it is sort of current. I was hoping that people might be able to offer some input for this map.
The afternoon siesta is a Latin institution, for man and beast alike. In Antigua the stray dogs camp out on the sidewalks, in what ever shade they can find.
I have no idea where I took this photo. I think it was in Ayutthaya, but who knows. There are thousands of buddha hands covered in gold leaf all over Thailand.